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Valentines in The Month of Love
Celebrating Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is held on February 14th in honor of Saint Valentine, the third-century Roman saint worldwide acknowledged. February is considered the month of love and the time of the year when couples openly celebrate the fact of being in-love

A typical Valentine's Day goes around special dinners for two, gifts, poems, greeting cards, cookies, chocolates, flowers; and could be a good time for marriage proposals. It is a holiday in United States, and like in other countries, it is a great opportunity for retail sales.

There are several versions in history related to its origins in the European continent:
In Nordic countries birds' mating occurs on February being associated with creation and love.
On the Ancient Rome at this time was Eros the god of love's festivity when people could ask him to bring them a lover.
England held for many centuries the traditional "Feast of Valentinus" where men and women participated on a matchmaking lottery to form couples for the festivity. Later few of them could become happy married couples.

By the other side, there is a theory that assumes Valentine's Day celebration began in Rome in Century 3, when Roman Empire kept soldiers single to get them be more focused for battle. Christian priest Valentine rebelled against this injustice, and began to do soldiers' religious marriages in secret, fact that gave Saint Valentine lovers' protector reputation.

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